TUTI Kindergarten donates 30 children’s beds and mattresses in the village of Dolna Kremena.
Donation campaign in support of the "For Our Children" Foundation.
The TUTI initiative is called: "Children give smiles to other children".
Christmas party for the children of Foundation 37 and Soroptimist Union.
Creation of a book with drawings made by the children from TUTI - all proceeds from the sale were donated to the Home for Children Deprived of Parental Care "Katya Vanchev" in the village of Shiroka Laka.
With the support of the parents - donation of clothes, toys, food and essential materials to the Orphanage "St. Nikolay" in the village of Novi Khan
Our roots - folklore festival - donation to BACU. Tutti Alumni Making Martenitsi
Donation of toys and learning materials to Association "Chance and Protection" in Haskovo by the children in TUTI and their parents