Medical care & staff
There are 2 nurses in the kindergarten.
All emlpoyees have passed Red CrossEmergency training.
Morning filter – nurse welcome and check the child.
We do not accept children with high temperature, cough, running nose, diarrhea, rash, stomachache.
If in doubt don’t send them to the kindergarten.
Second filter at 10 o’clock.
If the child gets sick during the day we isolate him/her in the medical room, we call to inform you about the symptoms and decide what to do.
Due to a minor accident we will ask you what you want to do – leave them here/come to take them.
If we call you because they have symptoms of illness, then you must come within an hour to take them. We can give Panadol / Nurofen until you get here with your permission only!
In case we can’t contact mum &dad, we call the doctor of the child and follow his instructions.
No other kind of medicine allowed! Even homeopathy – you need to give it regularly many times a day.
If you know that your child is getting sick, or after being sick at home and has some medicine to finish, you should keep them home, until it’s over and you are completely sure that the child is healthy.
Our main priority is to take care of the health and education of all children. So we do our best to avoid contact with contagious and stop the diseases in the beginning!
Necessary documents when enrolling a child in kindergarten:
1. Health and prevention card of the child, completed by the personal physician
2. Data from the personal physician on the immunization status of the child
3. A one-time negative test result for pathogenic intestinal bacteria and intestinal parasites, carried out no earlier than 15 days before the child's admission to kindergarten.
4. Blood and urine tests performed within a week before the child's admission to kindergarten
5. Medical note from the personal physician about the lack of contact with an infectious patient, issued no earlier than 3 days before the child's admission to the kindergarten
For those parents, whose children go to kindergarten for the first time – be ready for a lot of viruses. Some children may get sick often, other ones not so much, but that is the right way the immune system to get stronger, which is good. As they grow up they will become healthier. Be patient.
Respiratory infections – mostly in the autumn – winter season, caused by viruses in 90% of the cases, and only 10% by bacteria. Well known symptoms as fever, sore throat, headache, fatigue, running nose, caught etc. If your child gets sick very often with runny nose we recommend examination of nasal secretions, to get the right treatment.
Varicella (chickenpox) – the most often case of infection disease, all children pass trough it and the earlier they got it, the better. Once infected, it builds immunity.
Spreads easily and it’s highly contagious. That’s why if we have case in the kindergarten we put the whole group under quarantine for 21 days. It means that they don’t mix with other groups, eat and play separately, on schedule. Do high disinfection in the room. Inform other parents, you decide wether you will let your child to the kindergarten, or you will wait for the quarantine period to be over.
Scarlatina – other highly contagious disease, it doesn’t build immunity. The quarantine period is 14 days. Same precautions as varicella
*If your child gets sick from varicella or scarlatina, first you need to take him/her to the doctor and send us a medical note that confirms the disease, otherwise we can not close the group. After the quarantine for the sickened child is over, we can accept him/her back with a doctor’s note that the child is no longer contagious. Meanwhile if there is another case in the same group, we extend the quarantine.
Below you will find information provided by the Metropolitan Regional Health Inspectorate.
What parents of children attending childcare facilities should know in the conditions of Covid-19.
1. In the case of a positive case of a child/teacher in the kindergarten:
· The group is quarantined.
· The remaining groups continue their visits in normal mode.
· RZI conducts an epidemiological study to determine contact persons. They are then quarantined with a prescription served on a parent/guardian.
· Health inspectors from RZI assess, in view of the specific situation, whether to carry out an examination of the contact persons (children/teachers/staff).
· The Covid-19 information system notifies GPs of any quarantined person among their patients.
1. 2. In case your child is quarantined as a contact:
· It does NOT have to be researched.
· If you decide to do a PCR test, a negative result does NOT cancel the quarantine.
· If complaints appear during the quarantine, you should contact the child's personal doctor and the RZI to organize an examination.
· You have the right to a sick leave from the child's GP.
· You and other family members are not subject to quarantine and can continue to go to work.
1. 3. If your child has proven Covid-19:
· You inform the school about the reason for the child's absence.
· All family members are placed under mandatory quarantine.
· If complaints appear during the quarantine, you should contact your personal doctor.
· The Covid-19 information system notifies GPs of any quarantined person among their patients.
The main priority in our work is the health and education of children. Therefore, we do everything possible to avoid contact with sick children and limit the spread of diseases in the initial stage.
For those of you whose children are starting Kindergarten for the first time - prepare for a lot of viruses. Some children get sick more often, others not so much. This is the right way to build a strong immune system, which will help them cope with diseases more easily in the future. As they grow, children become stronger and more resilient. Arm yourself with patience.