Healthy and wholesome food
served everyday
At TUTI, it is a priority to educate children about healthy eating habits, creating diverse nutritious meals, throughout the day.
The menu provides children with a delicious, nutritionally balanced and varied diet that is intentionally chosen to expand their experience with different textures and tastes.
The weekly menu is developed by a dietician and nurse in accordance with the requirements of the above regulations and covers the norms for healthy nutrition of children. Healthy and nutritious meals are planned on a monthly basis by our in-house chefs in coordination with the administrator and a nurse. Menus may change if the certain foods are not available
• The menu includes a variety of foods from the four main food groups: Grains and cereals; Fruits and vegetables; Dairy; Protein - meat, fish, eggs, bean foods. The menu limits the intake of fat, sugar, and salt
• The weekly menu is published in the electronic diary of the kindergarten or sent by email to all parents. It is also displayed on the notice board in the kindergarten.
• Menus can be adapted to cater for special dietary requirements regarding food allergies or intolerances, which must be verified with the required doctor’s documents when possible, e.g. dairy or meat free.
• No nuts whatsoever are allowed on the premises.
• If at any time any of the child’s dietary needs change due to any food allergies or intolerance, parents must inform the kindergarten in writing/via e-mail.
• If a child has severe dietary requirements, we meet with the child’s parents to plan adaptations to his/her menu. The children’s nutritional regime includes breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack.
Drinking water is provided and available for the children to drink in the classroom, dining area and in the playground. Staff should verbally offer all children water on a regular basis. Water, tea and ayrian is also provided at breakfast, lunch and both snack times.
The water in the kindergarten is filtered in three stages: Sofia Water monitors the water supply in the main network. On site, the kindergarten has three filtering stages: before the water is distributed to the faucets, with a HEPA filter at each faucet, and individual Brita filters in each room.
For the quality of the water that reaches the main water transmission network, quality control is carried out by Sofia Water. On the grounds of the kindergarten, the water is filtered in two stages. Filtering the water before the water distribution taps and filtering with a HEPA filter at each tap.
Children are not allowed to bring in bottles of water or any other liquids.

• There is a list of children with allergies or food intolerances in the dining room, kitchen, nurse’s office and in each individual classroom.
• The cook and staff work in partnership in communicating dietary needs regarding children with allergies. The administrator is responsible for ensuring that the allergy charts are updated as soon as any parent has informed us of any changes.
• If a child shows any allergic reaction, the nurse and administrator are immediately notified. The nurse calls the parent and gives detailed information on know how to address the problem.
Mealtimes are a time for the children to enjoy varied nutritious meals and to learn manners. We use meal times to help all children develop independence through making choices, learning to serve food and drink, and to feed themselves. We use forks, spoons, and napkins for mealtimes. We do not use food or drink as a form of reward or punishment.
We understand that children’s birthdays are special. If you would like your child to celebrate in the kindergarten you are allowed to bring a cake. Make sure the cake you choose does not include any nuts due to the no nuts policy. You will be given a quality certificate from the bakery/pastry shop that must be provided to the kindergarten with the cake. The children from the group will celebrate in the afternoon and have the cake during the afternoon snack.
• All children wash their hands before meals.
• Children are encouraged to sit calmly and quietly at the table for the duration of lunch/breakfast.
• Each child will be encouraged to hold appropriate cutlery at every meal. The Little Ducks group has a spoon to begin with and, when ready, a fork will be introduced. They will be assisted but we encourage self-help skills as soon as possible. When the children are ready, a fork is introduced, usually after they are 3 years old.
• The children are encouraged to help themselves to food, and to take their empty plates to the kitchen when appropriate. Fresh water is served with each meal and children are encouraged to serve themselves when possible.
• Children are served a second helping – soup or main course – if they ask for more. This is followed by fresh fruit. Fresh fruit is always given, whether they finish their meal or not. The staff wipe the tables clean after mealtimes. The teachers encourage the children to help with wiping the tables
• All tables are cleaned after any snack or meal with antibacterial spray according to the requirements of the Ministry of Health.
• If a child repeatedly refuses to eat or is fussy, the teacher will communicate with parents and discuss with our support team. If necessary, our administrators and teachers work together with parents to decide a plan of action.
• If needed, children wash their hands and face after eating.
• If a child spills their drink or food, they help the teacher clean up the spill.
The organization of children's nutrition in Tuti is carried out in compliance with Ordinance No. 2/07.03.2013 on the nutrition of children from 0 to 3 years; Regulation No. 6/10.08.2011 on Healthy nutrition for children aged 3 to 6 and Regulation No. 9/16.09.2011 on the specific requirements for the safety and quality of food offered in childcare facilities and schools, as well as for food offered at organized events for children and students, as well as relevant recipes for food preparation.The organization of the children’s nutrition in the kindergarten is regulated by the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP).
All food is prepared on site in a specially designated kitchen block. The kitchen block is equipped and furnished according to Regulation No. 3 of February 5, 2007 on health requirements for kindergartens.
The amount and type of all foods is in accordance with the product’s recommended daily amount as specified in Regulation No. 9 and Regulation No. 6 for healthy nutrition for children.
All food prepared in the kindergarten meets the quality and safety requirements of Bulgarian law for food and food products.
All foods have documents proving their safety, according to current legislation.
The food is prepared according to healthy culinary methods - boiling, stewing and baking at a moderate temperature. This preserves vitamins and prevents the formation of substances harmful to health.
The prepared food is taken from the kitchen and distributed to the children in the groups in compliance with all standards for quantity, hygiene and food culture. The food is served in individual dishes.
Samples are taken daily from the food, which are stored for 48 hours at a temperature of 0-4 degrees, according to the requirements of the regulatory documents under the Food Law. Samples from Friday's menu are held until Monday lunchtime.
Food prepared and left over from the previous day is forbidden to be used.
Outsiders are prohibited from entering the kitchen.
The staff in the kitchen are trained in Food hygiene. All food personnel are subject to preliminary and periodic medical examinations (Regulation No. 53 on medical examinations of those entering and working in food, communal facilities and health facilities).