Core elements at TUTI

  • Bilingual Program

    As children become more competent, teachers and children use English as much as possible. Depending on the topics in social studies, sports, art, and music, teachers choose the most appropriate language.

  • Academics

    Tuti Kindergarten follows the programme of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education: Bulgarian language, maths, social studies, sports, music and art.

    The English curriculum follows Oxford Press materials for early language learners. Lessons are activity-based: stories, games, music, movement, drama

  • Social-Emotional

    Social-emotional skills are nurtured through cooperative play and daily interactions, as well as targeted lessons. Children learn about feelings and how to express them appropriately, how to work out problems, and how to ask for help.

    They learn to be active members of their class and the kindergarten by working together, learning to solve problems, and contributing with respect and empathy.

  • Arts and Sports

    Art and music lessons are an important part of our programme. Children become aware of and develop their aesthetic sense, expressiveness, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Integration of the arts in the academic curriculum increases learning and engagement. The various performances and extra-curricular dance and drama activities offer opportunities for children to nurture their artistic skills.

    Our Sports programme keeps children physically active with games, team activities, and physical challenges that build strength, coordination and teamwork.

  • Community

    Our teachers and administration remain in touch with our families through regular communication, as well as inviting parents for events and meetings. This is the foundation of our partnership with parents in the process of caring for the children.

    Children learn to be responsible members of the school in the classroom, the cafeteria, and on the playground by following rules, taking care of toys and materials, and helping others.

    We encourage parents to reach out to us with questions and concerns when they arise.