In this age group, children have a total of 15 activities/sessions each week, which are conducted in both Bulgarian and English: Bulgarian language, English language and communication, Mathematics, Environment, Music, Physical education, Art activities. Each situation is active for 10-12 min.

2+ years old

In this age group, children have a total of 16 activities/sessions each week, which are conducted in both Bulgarian and English: Bulgarian language, English language and communication, Mathematics, Environment, Music, Physical education, Art activities. Each situation lasts 15-20 minutes.

3 years old

In this age group, children have a total of 19 activities/sessions each week, which are conducted in both Bulgarian and English: Bulgarian language, English language and communication, Mathematics, Environment, Music, Physical education, Art activities. Each situation lasts 15-20 minutes.

4 years old

In this age group, children have a total of 20 activities/sessions each week, which are conducted in both Bulgarian and English: Bulgarian language, English language and communication, Mathematics, Environment, Music, Physical education, Art activities. Each situation lasts 20-30 minutes

5 years old

In this age group, children have a total of 24 activities/sessions each week, which are conducted in both Bulgarian and English: Bulgarian language, English language and communication, Mathematics, Environment, Music, Physical education, Art activities. Each situation lasts 20-30 minutes

6 years old